Today was my favourite day in St Tropez, we knew it was going to be a busy one so grabbed the camera and managed to take lots and lots, and lots of pictures….

We have been staying at a little cosy hotel called La Ponche in the centre of town, and just moved to La Residence Pinned, a grander hotel by the water for our last fews day…
Its Beautiful!
Maddie woke me up with some weird jumping on my feet technique… determined to stay in bed she dragged me to breakfast...
Breakfast on the balcony, some how managed to devour 9 croissants between us, yes 9! french croissants are the best. Full and rearing to go we headed to meet some friends at Club 55 beach club...
I found this Dalmatian puppy, I'm kind of at that stage that I really want a dog, but know I'm not quite responsible enough yet for one, so cuddle every strangers dog I pass. 
Sometimes I think I have fallen in love and find it very difficult to leave. One day!

We hopped on our friends boat and speed between the big yachts out to where the waters really choppy, exploring little private coves and jumping in the water. 

Maddie has been one of my best friends since we were about 15, we went to boarding school together and shared a dorm.
We know each other super well, and whenever we are together we click straight back into school banter, teasing each other and getting up to mischief.

As the afternoon was drawing to a close, after the worlds quickest shower, we headed to the polo...
Its such a beautiful sport, the sun doesn't set here until about 9.30 so its a lovely way to spend the early evening.

We wondered off for a little explore, and in true St Tropez style came across some amazing cars
They were really beautiful vintage cars, from a classic blue Bugatti, the English MG TD and an American Red Corvette.

St Tropez is a little fishing town on the southern coast of France.
Once an unassuming little provincial seaside town, the 50s saw St Tropez liberated by an influx or artists and musicians.
The sleepy seaside town became a hub for the young rich and glamerous.

As the sun was setting we headed back into town, for dinner at L'Escale, its kind of our tradition restaurant, we go every year.
Its fun and very girl, with load music and sand on the floor, literally. Its right on the port and so perfect for people watching..

We had cream and truffle spaghetti, I think the other was tomato pasta, which I really had no interest in after trying the cream one! Amazing!…. and Tuna Sashimi (yes the heathy dish you order to pretend you don't just want pasta..)

After lots of peach bellinis we skipped down the port, wondered in and out the late night shopping and grabbed some ice creams.
most perfect day, excited for tomorrow!