November came, and although it is one of my favourite months (basically because of fireworks night) I was called to LA to have some meetings.
As coincidence would have it my parents were just finishing a romantic few weeks there.
We met up for a few nights where I joined them at the very glamours Bel Air hotel in Beverly Hills.
We took roller skates down Santa Monica, but of a cliche, but it was actually really fun.
When you think of LA you probe think, beach, sun, bikinis, hot boys with surfboards.
Nope. Having packed JUST summer dresses I lived in… my one and only coat. and leggings. yes, it does even get cold in LA.
A 24 hour cupcake machine, which sings as you walk past. How awesome would it be to have one of these at home!
Whist feeling touristy, we visited Universal Studios, I have to say I actually prefer it to Disney Land.