2am and just fell into bed, heels off and my little feet hurt soo much!
Today was so worth it tho.
Polo in the Park is one of my favourite events in the British Summer Calendar, its fun, the least pretentious of the polos,
its super local, just a Hop Skip and a Jump from Chelsea, held at the Hurlingham Club grounds.
It was one of those days where we were all just a little bit silly. None of us were cool, we were just very hyper and laughing far too much.

Wondering the food stalls there is a great little mix, from Japanese to Mexican.
We went for the obvious, and most nutritional option… mac and cheese ;) mmmmm
Unlike Ascot, where you have to stick to strict fashion guidelines, Polo is much more chilled out.
Its still dressy, everyone makes an effort and looks beautiful.
I have to say the Polo style for boys is my favourite, the pale jeans and casual slightly unbuttoned shirt is so handsome.
We found a great Panama Hat stand, and all got a little carried away.
The events starts just after lunch, and is held every June over a weekend.
I called round all my loved ones yesterday and suggested we all went.
Heading home at the same time as a few thousand other people made finding a taxi pretty tough… so heels in hand we found some Boris Bikes.
If you live in London and have never tried these, I really recommend it. They were introduced by the man himself, Boris Johnson, super fun and ever so practical.
You just put your card in, 2£ for 24 hours, and your off… free to cycle to your hearts content, until you run out for steam and have to find another docking station.
We headed to Chelsea, though the very merry crowds, all really excited and cheering us on, no ones else seemed to take bikes…
We grabbed a bite to eat and chatted outside at the Blue Bird, and met a puppy. I Completely fell in love.
Such a wonderful girls day with some of my Best Friends. I hope you enjoy the pictures :) Kimberley xx